Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Are There Any “Winners” in War? Essay

War is not a game people play to win prizes or gain recognition for their skill. After one side surrenders, and a treaty is signed, one side does go home feeling like a winner. Both sides suffer irreplaceable losses. For this reason, there are no true winners in war. Some people may feel that they came out of the war victoriously, but as Agatha Christie said, To win a war is as disastrous as to lose one. For example, in the American Revolution, we won, but is it really victory when 8,000 Americans died on the battlefield? We lost more soldiers than the British lost during that war, yet we came out of it looking like winners. Theres a reason that every country that participates in war is a loser, whether they lost more men, they didnt get what they wanted out of the war, or they started the war and caused all the deaths that took place within it. So far 3,974 soldiers have died since the war was launched in Iraq on March 20, 2003. More than 81,000 Iraqis have died in the same war. These lives can not be replaced. These atrocities can not be mended. The moment lives are disrupted, and the moment a life ends, you have officially lost the war, even if it hasnt ended yet. When a soldier is sent to war, their loved ones hope for their safe return, but all the while knowing that some will be lost along the way. And all they can do is hope that their loved one will not be one of the thousands that die. Numerous soldiers from both countries come home with severe injuries that affect how they will live for the rest of their life. 29,320 American troops alone have been wounded in the Iraq war. They are not able to do things they once could and they often regret joining the army. Because of the appalling events that soldiers are subjected to, they often return from battle with harsh psychological effects, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I man I know has slept with a weapon in hand for thirteen years after coming back from being in the war. He sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and thinks he is in combat. He frantically looks for his gun and screams for someone to give him orders. Some Soldiers also have survivors guilt, and they feel bad that they made it out alive but a friend didnt. In addition, some soldiers may feel remorseful over killing somebody, and from there on  live a lamented, guilt ridden life. Most people who are involved with war go through at least one of these things, which is another reason that nobody comes out of war being a winner. The countries involved in the war suffer economically as well. For example, the United States has spent almost 500 billion dollars on the war in Iraq, which could have been forestalled. Instead of using this money to support war, it could be donated to hospitals, or used to help find cures to diseases. Using the money for these causes would benefit us to a great extent, unlike using the money for war. Iraq will have to rebuild their country because of all the destruction we have caused over there, which will also cost a lot of money. Regardless of who wins according to who drops or surrenders first, both sides lose. Neither side wins because neither side was courageous enough to go about their disputes in a means other than war. They couldnt come to a consensus over how to solve their problems. Adults should act like adults and work out their problems through conversation instead of acting through violence, because if they fail to do so, the consequences will be extremely unpleasant. In war, you always lose more than you gain. You may get what you went to war for in the first place, but in the process you have lost so much that it just isnt worth it. There are no winners in war, just survivors. bibliography:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The History of Cake Making

Sharon Cassidy DT418/3 The History of Cake Making Lecturer: Mary Kavanagh Introduction The purpose of this essay is to give a brief history of cake. Firstly this essay will begin with the manifestations of the first ‘cakes’ in Egyptian times and it’s evolvement throughout emerging civilisations and their contribution to the notion of cakes as we know them today. Influences such as colonisations, global trading and immigration will also be discussed to illustrate how the movement of ingredients and methods contributed to the fusion of culinary knowledge. This report will also acknowledge advancements in technology to aid both the domestic and commercial baker, and how consumer trends have changed dramatically throughout history. Origin According to Humble(2010) evidence from archaeological digs from our Neolithic ancestors have shown that cakes in some form or other were being made then, although these early endeavours are a far cry from our perception of what a cake is today. These ancient cakes would have been would have been made from little more than crushed grains , mixed with water and made into rounds and baked on a hot stone. They would have been very crude and flat as leavening agents had not yet been discovered; in fact the word cake is also used to describe something that is flat and compacted such as a cake of soap. Humble (2010) also writes that these so called cakes would have been the precursor to the oatcakes we have today but are now categorised as a biscuit. Castella(2010) writes that very little is known about the culinary experiences of these times as there are not much written about food prior to the eighteenth century, however some records exist in the form of tomb drawings, tax records, Greek plays and shipping and military records. It is thought that around 5,000 B. C. the Egyptians accidentally discovered how to make leavened bread. There are some theories surrounding this discovery such as a mixture of flour and water were left outside for some time and â€Å"caught† natural yeast from the air causing bubbles of gas to appear in the mixture which was then used in the making of some bread , or some liquid that was being used to make beer was also used in the making of bread, either scenarios would have resulted in a risen or leavened bread that must have been a huge improvement on the hard and tough bread that had been previously eaten. The Egyptians are credited with sweetening these breads with honey commencing the evolvement of the cake(www. theoldfoodie. com) . The cakes began to be associated with religious ceremonies of which there are tomb paintings showing such scenes involving breads/cakes of various shapes such as rings, fish, crescents and birds being offered to the Gods. The Greeks were very creative with their ‘cakes’ by advancing on the Egyptians innovations by adding fruits like dates and figs and nuts such as pistachio and pine nuts . The Greeks are also being attributed with the invention of cheesecakes which were made with goat’s milk. The Greeks were great innovators when it came to cake making and in fact baking became a trained profession with the emergence of a strict baker’s guild (Castella, 2010) which lasted for several centuries. During the rise of the Roman Empire the Roman’s took what the Greeks had started with baking and improved it further bringing their new techniques with them on military campaigns and thus spreading new methods across Europe, they in turn also collected new ideas, ingredients and tools with which they combined to invent new recipes and formulas. Medieval to Modern Cake Making The beginning of the Medieval period saw an increase in population and the emergence of cities and towns. There was now a greater demand for food and crops were now grown in surplus to supply workers in the towns. Flandrin and Montanari(1999) write that this gave way to markets being set up in the main thoroughfare of towns and crafts such as bread making were developed on a larger scale. As a majority people no longer had land themselves to produce their own food they had to rely on the markets for their food supply. One of the most important ingredient discoveries made in relation to baking was sugar. Although it originated in New Guinea it was the Indians who perfected the methods of processing the sugar cane which the Arab traders brought back to the Middle East. Due to explorers and crusades a huge array of new exotic lavours were being brought back to Europe such as spices, fruits nuts and of course sugar. An example of this was Gingerbread; a spicy sweet cake became enormously popular during the Middle Ages which the crusaders brought back with them. Sugar was highly valued and was thought of a medicinal ingredient during this era and was frequently prescribed by doctors in the form of sweetened cakes to patients to heal many ailments. It was however only available to the upper classes while everyone else still used honey as a sweetener. As sugar became more popular some religious figures deemed it to be evil and was banned however Thomas Aquinas declared that sweets were not actually foods so cakes could now be eaten on religious feast days giving rise to specific cakes being associated with religious holidays. The Medieval Courts encouraged elaborate banquets with highly decorated food, cakes would often be covered in gold leaf, silver and even gemstones (Flandrin and Montanari 1999) . According to Richard Sax (1994) it wasn’t until the 16th century that cakes and sweet dishes were served at the end of the meal, where previously sweet and savoury courses were mixed and often were incorporated into the same meal. From approximately the 13th to 17th century advancements in agricultural improvements and increased overseas trade, the once exotic and uncommon ingredients became widely available and encouraged baking to become more widespread, eating cakes would now become a daily occurrence rather than just for religious or special occasions. Cakes were becoming more and more enriched with butter, eggs, cream and being heavily fruited and spiced, and tinplate hoops were beginning to be used to shape and mould cakes making them easier to bake and serve (Peter Brears 1985). As written by Adamson (2004), using moulds to give cakes a distinctive shape was especially popular in Germany where such tins as a â€Å"Turks Head Pan† were used and continues to be used to this day for making Gugelhupf. ————————————————- During the mid 1700’s yeast was being replaced with eggs as the main source of leavening cakes. This would have taken a huge amount of time in order to whip eggs by hand (sometimes up to an hour) to get to the level of aeration that was needed. This method however resulted in a much lighter cake made possible from the amount of air incorporated during the beating of the eggs. An example of a cake from this era is the pound cake created in England and used equal quantities of flour, butter, and sugar, and of course eggs to be used as the aerating agent, (http://whatscookingamerica. net). ————————————————- The 1800’s saw improvements in milling technologies to give more refined flours, superior ovens were being produced with better temperature control and the creation of baking powder by Alfred Bird when he combined bicarbonate of soda with cream of tartar to formulate one of the most significant inventions which has had long lasting effect on baking be it in the home or in industry. (Pam Corbin 2011) Baking powder took the hard work out of baking and cakes made from around this time are more akin to what we class as modern day cakes today. Other culinary tools such as hand held egg beaters were now being mass produced along with cookbooks which no housewife would be without. ————————————————- By the early 1900’s baking technology made huge advancements and as early as the1920’s the boxed cake mix was invented. General Mills an American company developed the brand â€Å"Betty Crocker† which by the 1940’s exploded on to the market with their â€Å"just add water and mix† method. They became hugely popular with housewives as they were timesaving and cost effective. ———————————————— The 1900’s also saw the rise in home cake decorating which previously had only been done by professionals, cake decorator Dewey McKinley Wilton set up a cake decorating school, and e ventually manufactured and sold decorating products which paved the way for the booming multi billion dollar businesses that exists today. ————————————————- ————————————————- Ingredients ————————————————- Baking employs carefully balanced formulas. What goes into a flour based baked good either strengthens/toughens (proteins and starches), weakens/tenderizes (fats and sugars), moistens (any water containing ingredient), dries, or leavens it, however without heat and water, the important chemical and physical reactions wouldn’t take place. There are four basic ingredients that are used in cake baking: flour, fat, sugar and eggs, however any combination of these added with leavening agents, liquids and flavourings can result in thousands of recipes with completely different look, feel and taste from each other. ———————————————— Flour: ————————————————- Flour is the primary structure builder in cakes and is used to bind all of the other ingredients together. Cake flour is milled from soft wheat giving it a protein content of approximately 6-8%. Wheat flour  contains two very important proteins, glutenin and gliadin, when mixed with moisture and stirred, create gluten strands, which set when baked, however these gluten strands can also lead to a tough, dry cake if the flour is mixed for too long. There are many types of flour used in cake making the most popular being cream flour (contains and acid), plain flour and self raising flour (contains baking powder), However there are numerous other flours on the market today that can be used. Hi-ratio flour has been specially formulated for the commercial bakery which can allow maximum sugar and liquid absorption resulting in higher yield and increased profits. ————————————————- ————————————————- Fat: ————————————————- Fats come in two forms: solid(butter, shortening and margarine) and liquid(oil). Adding fat to a cake mixture can do several things, the action of beating/creaming the fat , such as butter with sugar will incorporate air bubbles allowing the batter to be light and aid in the leavening process. Fat also has a tenderising effect and increases the keeping qualities of the cake. Fats also have a shortening effect as it shortens the gluten strands. It contributes to a smooth mouth feel and flavour especially in the case of butter. Fats help to keep food products moist and extend shelf life. ————————————————- ————————————————- Eggs: ————————————————- Eggs add colour, flavour and nutrition to baked goods. The protein in the egg holds air and acts as a raising agent when whipped before other ingredients are added. The lecithin in egg yolks is an emulsifying agent that acts during mixing to assist with binding the ingredients together and tenderising. When baked, eggs coagulate causing them to set. ————————————————- ————————————————- Sugar: ————————————————- Sugar plays a vital role in cake baking as it imparts Sweetness to the cake mixture. Usually Caster sugar is used as their smaller granules dissolve quickly especially when it’s creamed together with fat; this action causes the sugar to hold air and acts as a raising agent. During baking the sugar caramelises causing the cake to colour and brown because sugar is also a  hygroscopic substance; it helps with a recipe's moisture retention and thus increases its shelf life by slowing the staling process (www. baking911. com) ————————————————- Other ingredients that can be incorporated with the ones listed above are endless, some examples are: ————————————————- Dairy: milk, buttermilk, cream, cheese and sour cream ———————————————— Fruits: lemons, oranges, limes, dried fruits, cherries and mixed peel ————————————————- Nuts: almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, peanuts, coconut and walnuts ————————————————- Flavourings: Chocolate, Vanilla, almond extract, spices and alcohol ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- International Practices ———————————————— Krystina Castella (2010) writes in her book A world of Cake that every celebration around the world is accompanied by cake that embodies the rituals of that particular society, and that every culture globally has their own version of cakes that symbolize the customs and traditions of their respective histories. Ancient civilisations all offered cakes to their gods and so throughout history became an integral part of religious and other holiday customs of different ethnicities. Of course the recipes change from country to country and even from town to town but generally these traditional cake customs are still alive today if though slightly evolved from their first beginnings. Here are some samples of celebrations from around the world and an example of the type of cakes that are still eaten at that time: ————————————————- China: Mid-autumn festival: Mooncakes ————————————————- Mexico: Day of the Dead: Pan de Meurto ————————————————- India: Diwali: Gulab Jamun ———————————————— France: Bastille Day: Opera Gateaux †”———————————————- Italy: Liberation Day: Cassata U. S. A: Shrove Tuesday: New Orleans King Cake Ireland: Easter: Hot Cross Buns Many recipes were developed because of the ingredients that were available in that particular region and what methods were accessible at the time, mass immigration/emigration globally played an enormous part as can be seen with the discovery of the New World which brought with it a diversity of people from all corners of the globe to contribute to the birth of America. This assortment of cultures resulted in the amalgamation of traditional recipes brought from the home country such as Scottish scones becoming American shortcakes, Dutch fried cakes became doughnuts and German streusel became American buckle cake. The Amish community, who were German settlers, brought their no frills baking concept with them and famous â€Å"American† cakes such as Funnel cakes and Angel food cakes derive from the Amish people. The Jewish settlers from middle and Eastern Europe have made a huge impact on baking practices especially in America where a great proportion of them made a new home in New York. The renowned New York cheesecake can be attributed to Reuben’s Deli which were the first to substitute cottage cheese for cream cheese and according to Amander Hessner (2010) was a detail that defined the New York cheesecake that went on to win them a gold medal at the 1929 World Fair. Jacob Kenedy (2011) writes that turbulent histories have left a positive impact in culinary terms in some regions such as the French leaving behind the techniques of fine viennoiserie and patisseries, helping to make Naples one of the capitals of Italian desserts. In Britain Queen Victoria made popular the custom of high tea, a very dignified tradition of eating sweet dishes and drinking tea which initiated the development of numerous new recipes for cakes and sweet treats, and although the ritual is not part of every day life today, people still associate having something sweet to eat while having a cup of tea. Domestic, Plant and Boutique Style Bakeries Up until the mid 20th Century the majority of cakes that were baked were made by housewives and small local bakeries, however the emergence of the supermarket had a massive impact on the buying and eating patterns of the public. As mentioned above such products as cake mixes were now available to help the harried housewife, along with frozen desserts which were now available due to advances in technology allowing every home to have refrigeration and freezer capabilities. The establishment of Women’s Lib afforded women the freedom to work outside of the home contributing to the now emerging gap in the market for convenience foods. By the 1960’s huge advances were been made to eliminate fermentation time in bread making by mechanical and chemical means, and naturally methods were also being developed to â€Å"improve† cake production on a mass scale. Unfortunately in order to produce cake viable for sale for longer periods of time involved the introduction of emulsifiers, stabilisers and other additives to increase their shelf life. Flour was also been chlorinated to produce a high ratio flour that could absorb higher quantities of sugar and liquid allowing a higher profit margin for producers. High demand for ready made baked goods saw the rise of small bakeries in Ireland nonetheless it has been argued that Ireland’s entry into the EEC played a part in the decline of these bakeries due to European large plant bakeries flooding the market with cheaper products. The Celtic tiger years of Ireland however saw a revival of sorts to the traditional and artisan baking. This resurgence can be attributed to several reasons, Kavanagh(2008) states her beliefs as follows: â€Å"individuals have travelled and are aware of standards and choice elsewhere thus seeking variety on their return† she also explains â€Å"increased disposable income has meant that the consumer is more quality and health conscious and seeks organic, fresh, and local produce an indication of the increase in the number of farmer’s markets emerging† Chef Clodagh McKenna explains that artisan producers and farmers markets have played their part in revitalising local economies by encouraging employment and bringing forth a new generation of interested people. Health, nutrition and consumption trends In an article written by Miriam Tuomey(2011) for Bord bia, it has been found that the sale of home baking products in Ireland, has grown by 8. 1% to reach a value of almost â‚ ¬63m in the year ended 23 Jan 2011, according to Kantar. (www. bordbia. e) This trend in ho me baking can also be attributed to enormous food dedicated programmes on television where chefs and bakers are now afforded celebrity status and home baking has now become officially â€Å"cool† Another aspect driving consumption trends is the increased awareness of health implications from certain ingredients used in baked products. There is greater demand for natural ingredients as apposed to some of the ingredients in massed produced goods such as preservatives, flavourings, colourings, artificial sweeteners, stabilisers and modified starches. Through scientific and medical advances, more is known about wheat intolerance and coeliac disease and the baking industry has responded by producing gluten-free baked products, other products are also being produced to suit the dietary needs of people who are lactose intolerant, have allergies such as egg and nuts, for diabetics and for people who generally want to follow a healthy lifestyle. Conclusion Cake has started off as a basic nutritional addition to the diet of ancient civilisations and has progressed to play a vital role in the development of cultures and traditions and visa versa. They are an integral part of modern and traditional celebrations, bringing people together, be it for a religious festival, a wedding, or a birthday. The fusion of cultures and the opening of global markets have meant that everyone now has access to ingredients, recipes, tools and knowledge from every nation and the modern baker has the world of cake at their feet. ————————————————- ————————————————- References: ————————————————- ————â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Adamson,M. (2004) Food in Medieval Times Greenwood Press, London ————————————————- Brears, P. (1985) Food and Cooking in 17th Century Britain History and Recipes Peter Brears and English Heritage, London ————————————————- Castella,K, (2010) A World of Cake, Storey Publishing, M. A. ————————————————- Corbin, P. (2011) The River Cottage Cakes Handbook Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London ————————————————- Flandrin, J,L, and Montanari,M (1999) Food a Culinar y History, Columbia University Press, New York ————————————————- Hessner, A. (2010) The Essential New York Times Cook Book, Classic Recipes for a New Century W. W. Norton and company, New York ————————————————- Humble,N. (2010) Cake a Global History, Reaktion books, London ————————————————- Kavanagh, M. (2008) Curriculum Evolution at the Department of Baking Technology (National Bakery School), D. I. T, Kevin Street,1998-2008: What Factors Have Brought About a Change in the Curriculum M. A thesis Dublin Institute of Technology ————————————————- Kenedy, J. 2011) Bo cca Cookbook Bloomsbury, London ————————————————- McKenna, C. (n. d. ) The Irish Farmers Market Cookbook, Collins ————————————————- Sax, R. (1994) Classic Home Desserts Houghton Mifflin Company, New York ————————————————- How Baking works (n. d. ) [online} Available: http://www. baking911. com/howto/how_baking_works. htm [Accessed 5th October, 2011] ————————————————- Toumey, M. (2011) Homebaking Products show further Growth [online] Available: http://www. bordbia. ie/industryservices/information/alerts/Pages/Homebakingstillgrowing. spx [Access ed 21st October, 2011] ————————————————- http://whatscookingamerica. net/history/cakes {[online] [accessed 4th October, 2011] ————————————————- www. theoldfoodie. com/2010/10/brief-history-ofcakes. html [online] [Accessed 4th October, 2011] ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- —â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ———————————————— ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ———————à ¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ————————————————- ————————————————- ———————————————— ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- — Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ————————————————-

Monday, July 29, 2019

Presented as a Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Presented as a Journal opinion article - Essay Example These for sure interests and attracts the Wall Street Journal readers. To start with, proper shelter is one of the fundamental needs of people. This in some cases is not the case as many people lack proper shelter due to certain conditions like poverty, drug addiction among others. The price of houses in America has rapidly gone up leaving many Americans to afford the set home prices. However, the house prices may reduce a little bit during their bubble peaks but still high costs affect Americans during this period (Izzo Web). Accordingly, mortgage rates have also increased recently leaving Americans with no choice but to cope with the situation. Arguably, about half of the population is not married, about 40 percent of children are born out of wedlock, and the number of working women and working men are closely related. Joint filing does not really matter nowadays in serving the social objectives as majority of the Americans are driven by individualism. In this case, â€Å"reframin g the tax to various families will assist in solving certain problems and at the same time create more† (Izzo Web). Those dealing with tax operation should therefore be concerned with the social change in the society, and we can as well argue that the power of the yield curve for future growth has risen. Another burning economic issue that is of interest of the Wall Street Journal readers is based on the relationship between the cities and the entrepreneurship. People are very interested in cities and their role in promoting startups to facilitate the nourishment of entrepreneurship. The creating and growth of business activities continues to diminish for some time now. The question that many Americans ask is; what in particular the American cities can do in order to support the home-grown businesses? (Casselman Web). The fact is, the cities cannot devote their full support to the business as most American economists argue that the government has the capability to protect, sup port and promote entrepreneurship and maintain the nourishment of these businesses. However, entrepreneurial cities also share qualities like â€Å"access to smart capital, the availability of role models, and a mix of large and small businesses† (Casselman Web). All these qualities are very significant in the growth of American businesses. The last pressing economic issue currently is unemployment and the job openings. Although the U.S has been working hard on how to recover economically for about four years now, the issue of unemployment still prevails but not as it were before. In April 2009, for every job opening, there were three Americans ready and willing to go for the job and work (Cronin Web). The situation got worse in July where there were six people going for the available opening job. The job market faces difficulty of meeting the needs of many jobless people. With many jobless Americans willing to work, the job openings have reduced making it difficult for the m arkets to absorb all of them. However, reports have indicated that the hiring rate has increased tremendously even after the job opening reduced (Cronin Web). In a nutshell, whenever there is a challenge in the economy of any state, there has to be consequences and in most cases negative ones. High cost of living, unemployment and reduced business activities are some of the negative impacts posed by poor economy. Stiff competition among the job seekers any available job opportunity is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Revise paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Revise paper - Essay Example Can the word bitch be used to refer to any woman? If it can, then does it indicate a woman who is unlikable, mean, obnoxiously independent and whorish? Can the word bitch be used to refer to a woman in a good way? Can it be used as a term of empowerment to indicate a self-confident and strong woman instead of being employed in a degrading and harmful way?(Celious 4) These are fundamental questions that observers of rap especially in the US have continued to ask. These issues arise from the fact that over the past ten years, more and more female rappers have proclaimed themselves as â€Å"bitches†. Their use of the word bitch is meant to indicate the independence and strength of a woman as opposed to degrading the woman. The concern triggers the debate as to whether the word bitch has been re-appropriated. The paper renders itself to exploring the extent to which the word has been re-appropriated. It also brings up the argument as to the real meaning of the use of the word bitch by women indicative of empowerment while, in essence, the word continues to perform a degrading role. The issue arises from a sequence of discussions in magazines, movies and television programs that have rendered themselves to speaking about the current style of female rappers defining themselves as bitches as if it was a non-derogatory and powerful term. There are two schools of thought in response to this fundamental question. One school of thought regards the activities of the female artists to be empowering while the other school of thought sees them as debilitating. Those that argue that the actions are empowering suggest that products of culture such as media have no standard message. The message they communicate can be interpreted in numerous ways for different ends. On the other hand, those that suggest that the actions are debilitating are of the view that cultural products such as media indeed have

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Can a Small Amount of Money Make a Big Difference Essay

How Can a Small Amount of Money Make a Big Difference - Essay Example The first article, â€Å"Internet Opens World to Microloan Investors†, which the author of the essay will discuss and draw an inference from helps to promote the concept of providing small â€Å"loans† to individuals in developing nations. Whereas providing 25-75 dollars to charity in the United States of America or another developed economy would actually provide little remediation of overall poverty, the authors relate the ways in which certain websites and key individuals have begun fronting very small personal loans or gifts to disenfranchised individuals in a developing country as a means of spurring business and raising the standard of living within these systems. This system is highly beneficial due to the fact that it connects would-be entrepreneurs with valuable access to start-up capital they so desperately need in order to realize a given business aspiration. Again, due to the fact that the developing world has such a decreased cost of entry, oftentimes even very small loans are able to foster a business half a world away. Similarly, the second article, â€Å"Simple, Easy Ways to Give Back† helps to engage the reader with the many opportunities that exist within the periphery of the consumer as ways in which they can seek to develop their philanthropic side. For instance, the article relates how those that are technophiles can easily utilize their mobile phone platform as a way to text small charitable donations to the charity of their choice. Additionally, the article relates to the ways in which donating the leftover amount on a gift card can be beneficial to specific charities. By utilizing web-based charitable organizations, the â€Å"loose change† on store gift cards can rapidly and efficiently be converted into a charitable donation.

Trade and labour standards Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words

Trade and labour standards - Dissertation Example As such, in June 1998, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work was adopted. This development served to force the member states of the ILO. Another important outcome was that it was emphatically prohibited to employ labour standards for protectionist trade purposes. These principles and rights are first, freedom of association and actual recognition of a right to collective bargaining. Second, proscription of any form of compulsory or forced labour. Third, elimination of child labour. Fourth, prohibition of any form of discrimination, with respect to occupation and employment (Policy Brief. International Trade and Core Labour Standards, 2000). The ILO’s follow – up mechanism, in this context, is a significant development in its ability to address the difficulties arising from economic liberalisation at the international level. This system makes it possible to review the relevant progress made by the member states that have not ratified the core l abour standards conventions. A major supporter of this mechanism is the US which has made significant monetary contribution. The US has proposed a system that would assess the influence of international labour standards on international trade and the aims of the GATT (Grace, 2005). This US stance has resulted in the adoption of the basic labour standards of the ILO as the fundamental norms for worker rights. During the 1996, ministerial conference at Singapore, the US called upon the ILO – WTO cooperation to make themselves reciprocally supportive. In addition, it was also stated that there was an urgent need to promote a trading system that was non – discriminatory and transparent. Thereafter, at the 1999 Seattle ministerial meeting of the WTO, the US recommended certain explicit issues for consideration. Some of these were the relationship between social protection, core labour standards and trade; forced labour and trade; positive trade incentives; and derogation on account of trade from national labour standards (Grace, 2005). The extant standards relating to labour are not under the control of the rules and disciplines of the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, some member states of the European Union (EU) and a few nations of North America have expressed the opinion that the WTO should address this issue. It is the firm belief of these countries that such a course of action is indispensable for strengthening public confidence in the international trading system and the WTO (Trade and Labour Standards, 2011). It is the firm conviction of these nations that the WTO should pursue the denial of rights, such as the freedom to engage in collective bargaining, freedom of association, eradication of discrimination in the workplace and workplace abuse. It has been suggested by these countries that these issues can be brought into the WTO, by the strategy of constituting a working group to analyse the norms related to trade and labour (Trade and Labour Standards, 2011). This initiative is believed to better the conditions of all the workers of the world. Views relating to international labour standards admit of considerable divergence. Social and labour activists are seized with the inexorable increase of imports from countries that have scant

Friday, July 26, 2019

Television as a live medium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Television as a live medium - Essay Example To say, hence, that it is â€Å"still alive† as if it is already clutching for dear life would be an understatement. The fact is that live television is a platform by which people are informed today. So long as there are events like disasters, sports, and political exercise such as election, among others, the relevance exists more than ever. The proliferation of canned television shows does not diminish it. Defining â€Å"Live† Bourdon (2000) explained that the concept of â€Å"live† television is fundamentally a label expressing a technological capability (532). It brings people from everywhere - whether at home, work, bars, even the streets - to events as they happen. In the discourse trying to specify the meaning of television and to differentiate it from the cinema, â€Å"liveness† is one of the three identified characteristics that made the medium unique (the other two are screen size and domestic reception) (532). â€Å"Liveness† also denotes the aspect of television that is identified with truth, facts and authenticity. Bourdon cited this point as he defined live television a live transmission of events to the viewers through the use of technological apparatus, making it a public phenomenon since it allows people to live event simultaneously (534). This definition implies two important characteristics. It is all about transmission of events as they occur and, at the same time, it is also about people viewing events together. The concept of â€Å"live† also assumed several meanings. Bourdon comprehensively cited many excellent examples. For example, when a singer does not lip synch in the performance, then it is called live musical performance. There is also the case of talk shows. Resource persons are invited and are moderated by hosts to tell the audience about their lives or to discuss interesting topics (Bourdon, 532). Bourdon argued that live television is present in many programs and television sequences (53 3). This variable indicates the persistence and permeation of live broadcast even on genre that are not classified with news and reporting on current affairs. Bourdon, called this socio-semiotic unity, a fundamental force that ensures the persistence and survival of â€Å"live† television throughout history (532). Out of all the definitions, White helpfully pointed out that â€Å" liveness† is the ultimate concept that â€Å"subsumes a host of other qualities and characteristics† and that it â€Å"serves as â€Å"an anchor for the properties considered essentially televisual - immediacy, presence, reality effects, intimacy and so on† (81). Covering Catastrophe The recent devastation wrought by the super typhoon Haiyan both to human lives and to property in Tacloban City, Philippines is the most recent testament not only to the viewers’ recognition and acceptance towards â€Å"live† broadcast but also its relevance and contribution to televi sion as a medium. Certainly, the most advanced technologies have enabled many reporters to cover the event live as the storm raged even when power, communications and transportation became unreliable. Reports were beamed from the city to the United States as the storm unfolded real time. The static and interference in transmission all served to highlight the catastrophe in the process of flattening

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Supervision Platform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Supervision Platform - Essay Example Thus, as a supervisor I intend on ensuring that via collaborative efforts between the teachers and other academic staff, each student gets the maximum level of emotional satisfaction possible. The aim is not to produce money making machines in the long-run, in fact to create a lot of highly motivated individuals with the potential to change the world for the better tomorrow. Thus, the supervisory practices which I aim at adopting constitute a collaborative paradigm where every contributor will also be decision maker adding value to the educational practices being employed. Mission Statement as a Supervisor As a supervisor I aim at empowering the teachers as they are directly involved in the personal as well as the professional development of a child. According to a research published in the New York Times by Fretty, Friedman and Jonah (2012), the educational practices adopted by the primary school teachers directly impacts the professional development of the child, i.e. if the qualit y of a primary school education is enhanced by 1%, the earning rate of the resultant student also increases by 1%. This implies that the quality of teachers needs to be enhanced by persistent training and evaluation, also by transforming the way strategies are designed. When the teachers will directly be involved in the decision-making process, an innate capacity for moral responsibility will follow, thus I aim at developing a collaborative working environment giving way to creativity and innovation. My Role as a Supervisor As a supervisor, I am bound to take multiple roles which are even subject to be extended in the long run. I consider my professional as well as my moral responsibility to understand the needs and desires of the teachers as well as the students, and to sync these needs with the modern day practices to impart quality education. Considering this scenario, it is my sole responsibility to transform the teaching patterns by adding new and updated courses to the curricu lum to ensure the progression of the students to the most advanced levels possible. In addition, I intend on taking up this role to add value to the skills and creativity of the students by introducing additional courses relevant to arts. The video illustration; â€Å"connecting with the arts: A workshop for Middle-Grades Students† stresses on the significance of combining arts subjects with sciences to create a sense of innovation in the minds of the students (Education Next). Also, the addition of new courses to the curriculum would naturally demand skills development for the teachers to cope up with the transformation, thus skill development would also become an important role in the process. By initiating discussions with the teachers, it will be my responsibility to create opportunities for the teachers to acquire new skills to equip them with the necessary teaching tools and techniques. In this context, as a supervisor my role won`t be limited to the evaluation and moni toring of the current practices, but also initiating new ones whenever the need arise. Evaluations and collaborative practices go hand in hand, being an important role as the supervisor under the systematic procedures. Leadership Orientation The most traditional leadership styles have been the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tensile Tst Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tensile Tst - Lab Report Example The intention of this experiment is to find out what kind of material should be used in different loading conditions depending upon the kind of construction and the criticality of the work structure. In the experiment, 4 samples of different metals were used –Aluminum, Brass, Steel and Cast-Iron. The experiment involves application of axial loads to four different specimens of identical dimensions till it breaks. A Universal Testing Machine (UTM) is used for this purpose and corresponding stress, strain and extension undergone by each specimen prior to breakage is observed and suitable conclusions drawn. Preparing the specimen is also an important aspect of testing as both ends of the specimen should have ample length so as to be properly gripped during loading. There is specific gauge length that is standardized and is directly related to the diameter of the round specimen. The testing machine also comes in various combinations with simple screw driven machines to hydraulically actuated machines. Modern machines also have a computer generated feedback which displays all the required information on our screen. After preparing the specimen it is loaded onto the UTM machine and loaded according to a specific gradual extension rate till the specimen breaks. (Gere and Timoshenko, 2004) The outputs results from the range of stress that the specimen goes through during the process of loading till its breakage gives us valuable information regarding the yield strength, allowable stress and Young’s Modulus of the material. The uniform plastic deformation continues till the specimen starts to experience necking which gives the ultimate tensile strength. On further increase of loading non-uniform plastic deformation starts. This progresses till a point of fracture which gives the fracture strength of the specimen. (Gere and Timoshenko, 2004) Specimen 1 (aluminum) and specimen 2 (brass) showed lower

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Feminism, Environmentalism, and Postmodernism Essay

Feminism, Environmentalism, and Postmodernism - Essay Example The essay "Feminism, Environmentalism, and Postmodernism" gives a detailed information about feminism, environmentalism, and postmodernism. Postmodernism developed as a result of man’s rejection of ideas and practices of the modern era. Postmodernism is an attempt to change the way man formerly thought and used language. Feminism developed in three waves. The first ended in all women over the age of eighteen obtaining the right to vote. The second wave was a continuation of the struggles of the first as well as the awareness of the female’s personal life as absolutely joined to the politics of the day. The female viewed her life as a struggle in a male dominated source of political power. The woman as child bearer and homemaker was challenged at every corner during this wave. Hence this second wave was concerned with an end to discriminatory practices in society against women. The third wave denoted a response to the apparent failure of the initiatives of the second wav e. The third wave feminism adopted an ideology that is purported by postmodernism. Thus, the third wave usually focused on â€Å"micro politics†. These contemporary feminists advocate reconstruction of the entire society in order to bring about positive change. They incorporate postmodernism as well as post-structuralism into the feminism debates. Hence, they viewed language as the source of construction for sex and gender. As postmodernist in nature, contemporary feminist view the history of females’ discrimination as unimportant.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Inventory Control Essay Example for Free

Inventory Control Essay Read the case study below â€Å"Harvey Industries†. Provide reasoning for the current financial distress of the company and make recommendations for improvements to the new company president. Include at least one specific recommendation for both Supply Chain Management (chapter 15) and Inventory Management (chapter 13), as well as any other recommendations you deem necessary from your reading. Provide your recommendations in a 2-4 page APA style paper. Harvey Industries Background Harvey Industries, a Wisconsin company, specializes in the assembly of high-pressure washer systems and in the sale of repair parts for these systems. The products range from small portable high-pressure washers to large industrial installations for snow removal from vehicles stored outdoors during the winter months. Typical uses for high-pressure water cleaning include: AutomobilesAirplanes Building maintenanceBarns EnginesIce cream plants Lift trucksMachinery Swimming pools Industrial customers include General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Delta Airlines, United Parcel Service, and Shell Oil Company. Although the industrial applications are a significant part of its sale, Harvey Industries is primarily an assembler of equipment for coin operated self-service car wash systems. The typical car wash is of concrete block construction with an equipment room in the center, flanked on either side by a number of bays. The cars are driven into the bays where the owner can wash and wax the car, utilizing high-pressure hot water and liquid wax. A dollar bill changer is available to provide change for the use of the equipment and the purchase of various products from dispensers. The products include towels, tire cleaner, and upholstery cleaner. In recent years Harvey Industries has been in financial difficulty. The company has lost money for three of the last four years, with the last year’s loss being $17,174 on sales of $1,238,674.  Inventory levels have been steadily increasing to their present levels of $124,324. The company employs 23 people with the management team consisting of the following key employees: president, sales manager, manufacturing manager, controller, and purchasing manager. The abbreviated organization chart reflects the reporting relationship of the key employees and the three individuals who report directly to the manufacturing manager. Current Inventory Control System The current inventory control â€Å"system† consists of orders for stock replenishment being made by the stockroom foreman, the purchasing manager, or the manufacturing manager whenever one of them notices that the inventory is low. An order for replenishment of inventory is also placed whenever someone (either a customer or an employee in the assembly area) wants an item and it is not in stock. Some inventory is needed for the assembly of the high-pressure equipment for the car wash and industrial applications. There are current and accurate bills of material for these assemblies. The material needs to support the assembly schedule are generally known well in advance of the build schedule. The majority of inventory transactions are for repair parts and for supplies used by the car washes, such as paper towels, detergent, and wax concentrate. Because of the constant and rugged use of the car wash equipment, there is a steady demand for the various repair parts. The stockroom is well organized, with parts stored in locations according to each vendor. The number of vendors is relatively limited, with each vendor generally supplying many different parts. For example, the repair parts from Allen Bradley, a manufacturer of electrical motors, are stocked in the same location. These repair parts will be used to provide service for the many electrical motors that are part of the high-pressure pump and motor assembly used by all of the car washes. Because of the heavy sales volume of repair parts, there are generally two employees working in the stockroom- a stockroom foreman who reports to the manufacturing manager and an assistant to the foreman. One of these two employees will handle customer orders. Many customers stop by and order the parts and supplies they need. Telephone orders are also received and are shipped by United Parcel Service the same day. The assembly area has some inventory stored on the shop floor. This inventory consists of low-value  items that are used every day, such as nuts, bolts, screws, and washers. These purchased items do not amount to very much dollar volume throughout the year. Unfortunately, oftentimes the assembly area is out of one of these basic items and this causes a significant amount of downtime for the assembly lines. Paperwork is kept to a minimum. A sales slip listing the part numbers and quantities sold to a customer is generally made out for each sale. If the assembly department needs items that are not stocked on the assembly floor, someone from that department will enter the stockroom and withdraw the necessary material. There is no paperwork made out for the items needed on the assembly floor. There were 973 different part numbers purchased for stock last year and those purchases amounted to $314,673. An analysis of inventory records shows that $220,684 was spent on just 179 of the part numbers. Fortunately for Harvey Industries, most of the items they purchase are stocked by either the manufacturer or by a wholesaler. When it is discovered that the company is out of stock on an item, it generally takes only two or three days to replenish the stock. Due to the company’s recent losses, its auditing firm became concerned about the company’s ability to continue in business. Recently the company sold off excess vacant land adjoining its manufacturing facility to generate cash to meet its financial obligations. New President Because of the recent death of the owner, the trust department of a Milwaukee Bank (as trustee for the estate) has taken over the company’s affairs and has appointed a new company president. The new president has identified many problem areas- one of which is improper inventory control. He has retained you as a consultant to make specific recommendations concerning a revised inventory control system. What are your recommendations and rationale? Harvey Industries is a Wisconsin company that specializes in the assembly of high-pressure washer systems and in the sale of repair parts for these systems. With the recent death of the owner, the trust department of a Milwaukee Bank, the trusty for the estate, has taken over the company’s affairs and has appointed a new company president who has identified many problem areas such as improper inventory control and has asked me as a consultant to make specific recommendations concerning a revised inventory  control system. After reviewing the company’s current inventory control I would recommend that it would be very important for them to establish good communication with the supply chain because they need to know what the demand would be for each of the parts so that they can forecast the needs so that they can plan ahead and order the necessary materials and supplies do that they do not have to wait three days for the messing parts. Currently the inventory control â€Å"system† consists of orders for stock replenishment being made by the stockroom foreman, the purchasing manager, or the manufacturing manager whenever one of them notices that the inventory is low. An order for replenishment of inventory is also placed whenever someone (either a customer or an employee in the assembly area) wants an item and it is not in stock. I would recommend changing this system, they need to establish the number of parts that would be needed in a weekly basis and replenish as the item is used so that they do not run out of the necessary parts and supplies. The company currently employs 23 people with the management team consisting of the following key employees: president, sales manager, manufacturing manager, controller, and purchasing manager. The abbreviated organization chart reflects the reporting relationship of the key employees and the three individuals who report directly to the manufacturing manager. I would recommend having different departments manufacturing, sales department for repair parts and sales department for supplies. All three departments need to be in communication with the purchasing manager that will need to be informed in order to make all the necessary purchases to maintain an appropriate inventory for all three departments. This will help save the company some money on payroll. I would also recommend that the inventory for the manufacturing department be kept in the warehouse as well as the other items that way there can be more control on the parts that go out so that they can be promptly replenish. Currently the stockroom is well organized, with parts stored in locations according to each vendor. The number of vendors is relatively limited, with each vendor generally supplying many different parts. However they could also separate the parts and supplies per department so that it would be easier to find and less man power would be needed creating a saving in payroll and payroll taxes. References Stevenson, W.J. (2011). Operations management (11th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill/Irwin

Fall of House of Usher Essay Example for Free

Fall of House of Usher Essay The Fall of the House of Usher Psychological Criticism Psychological criticism is the school of literary criticism that focuses on the psychological issues affecting the characters behavior. Throughout this piece Poe uses setting, mood, characterization, conflict, and symbols in order to portray the underlying meaning; Physical disintegration of the House of Usher which parallels the condition of its inhabitants. Poe uses setting and mood in order to foreshadow the ultimate disintegration of the family manor. The narrator notices â€Å"a barely perceptible fissure† running down the front of the building. The detailed description highlights the stories theme and creates a mood of fear. When discussing use of characterization one must consider Roderick Usher, the central character of Poe’s gothic tale. Poe uses direct and indirect characterization techniques in order to effectively convey his point. Usher’s anxiety is revealed through descriptions of his odd, disheveled appearance and mannerisms along with his rapid mood swings. The author describes the tone as â€Å"overdone cordiality† and by â€Å"sullen quality†. Also, when discussing the psychological criticism one must consider how Poe’s approach might lead the readers to see him as a hypochondriac. In addition to the given appearances of characterization there are numerous other descriptions that heighten impression of instability. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† has a copious amount of metaphors and symbols. The narrator perceives the mansion as human like with its â€Å"vacant and eye-like windows†. This specific metaphor is extended throughout the entire story, becoming more and more sinister in its deep implications. When describing the house, it serves as almost a symbolic prison for Usher and his sister Madeline. Poe uses several descriptive words in his portrayal of the house. The reader’s first impression of the house comes from a direct observation from the narrator. This narrator states, â€Å"†¦ with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit.    As the narrator continues to describe the house he uses several similarly dismal adjectives. The gloom experienced by the narrator is not limited to merely the house itself. The vegetation, which surrounds the area, is described as â€Å"a few rank sedges and †¦ a few white trunks of decayed trees. †Ã‚   He emphasizes these facets of the house and its environs by restating the descriptions reflected in a â€Å"black and lurid tarn. While he claims that the house appears structurally sound, he takes time to comment upon â€Å"the crumbling condition of the individual stones. †Ã‚   He also emphasizes the long history of the house by stating that its features recall an â€Å"excessive antiquity. † It is obvious therefore that Poe means for the building and the family to reflect one another. His use of parallel descriptions of the house and family, the mood that both convey and the intertwined fate of both lead the reader to the inescapable conclusion that the house and the Ushers are one.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Salvador Dali, Dadaism and Surrealism

Salvador Dali, Dadaism and Surrealism Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings The human mind is a very controlling device and organ. However it is not perfect in the way it processes things. Illusions for instance are visual stimuli that swindle the brain because the brain cannot process all visual imagery accurately. Why do we see puddles form up on the road whilst driving on a hot day? Why do certain parts of a drawing look bigger while in actually fact they are smaller? There have been numerous artists that have used illusions in their works, Scott Kim, M.C Escher, but what really brought fame to the surrealists in the 1990s? The Spanish painter Salvador Dali. A small amount has had such an impact on society as the eccentric painter whose paintings obsessed audiences for many years. Dali was immensely popular in the art community for his originality in work, and several of his paintings now stand as icons for his era. Dali was admired by the public because he embraced innovative ideas of the time, many of which were integrated into his works as well as his life. He continued to implement new ideas as times changed, which allowed him to keep his popularity within the public and art enthusiasts, possibly making him one of the most distinguished artists of the 1990s. Salvador Dali (Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali i Domenech) born in May 1904, in a minute town of figueres, in a region known as Catalonia. His parents gave him a lot of support as a young child, his first studio built for him at a very young age. Dali knowing that his parents recognised his potential from very early on gave him full support, until he reached the San Fernando Academy of fine arts in Madrid. All of Dalis life he was distressed by many issues and complications, such as the death of his wife gala and the war, resulting in him being put in a state of paranoia. Nevertheless, he related to these problems, and his paintings gave him an opening in such ways that allowed him to express his feelings to a great extent, this also gave the public a viewing insight into his work, by examining his paintings we could also relate to them and see for ourselves how his paranoia overwhelmed him. Paranoiac-Critical In relation to this Dalis paranoia, a psychological method known as paranoiac-critical was created. The Paranoiac-Critical Method was developed by Dali as a way for him to dig out his internal emotions. It was an approach for artists to work throughout their obsessions by ultimately selecting and organizing meticulous objects on the canvas. Dali explained his paranoiac critical as a Spontaneous method of irrational knowledge based on critical and systematic  objectivities of delirious associations and interpretations. When combining a method into a piece of work, usually a functional process of the brain is used to visualise imagery in the work, to combine these into the finished creation. Dali often used double imagery and multiple imagery, which then resulted into unclear images allowing them to be interpreted in different ways. Two good examples of Dalis paranoiac- critical method and double imagery is the The invisible Man and Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of  Voltaire, for both of these paintings he has cleary used double imagery to trick the eye into thinking there is only one solid image but infact multiple images are present. Disappearing Bust of Voltaire the Invisible Man I see the paranoiac- critical method as being effortless, in my opinion Dali is fooling himself into going insane, while remembering the cause for madness is actually to create a work of art. Dali chose the difficult way by truly going crazy, rather than motivating madness through chemical means. As one of his quotes say, I dont take drugs. I am drugs, Andre Breton poems of Andre Surrealism was an artistic and literary faction that began in 1922 led by the French poet/ critic Andre Breton. Breton was the originator and primary theoretician of Surrealism, and artist association Committed to examining the unfounded, paranormal and intuitive aspects of the human mind. Surrealism sought to reinstate conventional moral and ethical concepts with beliefs of anger, hatred, etc, expressing emotions exaggeratedly that Breton described as exalting the values of poetry, love, and liberty. The surrealists attempted to bypass conscious determination and allow their unconscious take over their works. To explore the subconscious mind, to go beyond the typical thinking person. Dadaism and Surrealism Dada was a movement approximately around the same time as the first world. Dadaism was like a dispute against war, but not war but art. It was an anti- art. Dadaism felt as though the public no longer deserved the privilege of beautiful art that they had become so adapted to because of how the war came upon them, the feeling that people lost their well being and value. So Dadaism intentions were to make art unsightly, ugly. Surrealism emerged from what was still left of Dada (a European society characterized through its so called absurdity and lack of traditional standards, sometimes referred to as (nihilistic) a life without objectives or values. During the early years of the mid 1920s and not like Dada, Surrealism alleged a capable and more positive outlook of art and from the outcome of this it went on to win several converts. Surrealism got its early era as a literary, not artistic, movement in French publications. One thing that Surrealism and Dadaism had in common was their fai th in the understanding of the unconscious mind and also its manifestations, together they understood that throughout the unconscious mind an overabundance of artistic imagery would be unveiled. Together both called automatism. A good example of Dadaism is Marcel Duchamps three dimensional piece The Fountain its not what you would describe as a great piece of art. The Fountain is what Duchamp would call a readymade. This piece is essentially a urinal with the word MUTT printed on it. I think this shows an ideal example of Dada for three reasons: to begin with it is in no way like art before, secondly the resources used are not what you would describe as standard art materials and thirdly this piece makes no sense what so ever. There is an obvious variation between this and Salvador Dalis Persistance Of Memory, in what i would describe as Duchamp slapping this piece together , on the other hand Dali has carefully painted in vast detail his thoughts, his mental image. This painting by Dali is what he would portray as hand- painted dream photographs - reuniting the unconscious mind with realism, reality.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Turbo Or Nitrous :: essays research papers

Turbo or Nitrous   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As you are driving, you see many cars going over the speed limit. Many of the drivers are into racing and modifying their cars. In most cars there are two major modifications that can be done, they are; turbo kit, or a nitrous kit. Both increase horsepower dramatically, but one is instant and the other goes into effect after a certain rpm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Turbo, is a turbine that is connected to your engines air intake that spins to create explosive power at high rpm's. This is something that with minor modifications can be done to almost any car in the market. Turbo comes in many different sizes depending on the type of engine you have and how much power you want. When a turbo is installed in a car it is considered a difficult upgrade but an upgrade that will make you car run better and faster. It also doesn't shorten the life of your engine if done properly. The only problem with a turbo is the price. Turbo's range anywhere from 2,000 dollars to 5,000 dollars and many other minor modifications must be made which also increase cost.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nitrous, is something totally different from turbo. Nitrous is a gaseous mixture that is either directly injected into your engine's pistons or into you intake manifold. Nitrous is cheap and gives you a lot of power. It costs about 500 dollars and depending on how much you want to spray is how much horsepower your engine will receive. A 50 shot of nitrous gives you about 45 more horsepower. What is impressive about nitrous, is that you only use it when you want because all you have to do is flip a switch and then it works. The down side of nitrous is that it burns your engine, and if used frequently it will damage your engine beyond repair.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While turbo gives you horsepower at high rpm's, nitrous is instant at anytime. Turbo is very costly, while nitrous is extremely cost efficient. Nitrous can be temporary and turbo is permanent. Turbo requires many minor modifications and nitrous doesn't require any.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Rocky Marciano :: essays research papers

On Sept. 1, 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Pierino Marchegiano of Brockton, MA became the proud parents of a lively twelve pound baby boy. The child was named Rocco Marchegiano, but the world would one day know him as the legendary boxer Rocky Marciano. When "bambino Rocco" was 18 months of age, he contracted pneumonia. Although the infection nearly killed him, his exceptionally strong constitution enabled him to survive without impairment. As a pre-teenager, Rocky relished his mother's Italian cooking so much he bordered on being stocky. This was underscored by his relatively short but muscular arms and legs. However, even at this young age, his overall bearing suggested exceptional physical strength. Throughout his teenage years, Rocky took great advantage of living across the street from the James Edgar Playground, where he especially enjoyed playing baseball. It was during this period that he began the habit of exercising to his limit." After spending countless hours hitting and chasing after baseballs, he would often go home and do chinups and lift homemade weights until he was totally fatigued." After supper, "Rocky and his pals often spent hours pummelling a stuffed mail sack that hung from an oak tree in the Marchegiano's back yard....In hot weather, they usually finished their workouts by racing over to Saxton's Spring to get a cold drink of water." Unfortunately, Rocky's experience of growing up in a multi-ethnic, working-class setting contributed to his involvement in a number of "altercations." Although most were territorial battles that took place at James Edgar Field, some occurred well beyond.... Even prior to his teenage years, Rocky's reputation for being a "really tough Italian kid" extended all the way over to the Bush, Brockton's Irish section. However, by the time he was 14, Rocky's notoriety as a baseball slugger began to overtake his reputation as a slugger with his fists. The legend of his athletic prowess began at age 15 when, as cleanup batter on the local American Legion team, he blasted a towering home run over the left field fence at James Edgar Playground. It landed on the front porch of a slightly irate neighbor. At age 15, Rocky entered Brockton High School - an institution with a nationally prestigious football tradition. Error! Bookmark not defined. Rocky's favorite subjects were Italian and Manual Training. And, except for a rather erratic scholastic record, all went reasonably well for him - at first.

Family-Centered Program of Education Essay example -- Education

What happens when you take the children out of the spotlight and focus on children with their families? You will get a family-centered approach to education. The Family-Centered approach believes that family involvement matters for a young child’s cognitive and social development. Family-Centered Program theories and concepts support the early childhood classroom and the child’s family. This can happen only if parents and educators work together to encourage desired behaviors from pre-school-aged children in both the pre-school and the home setting. The first thing that needs to be looked at to understand a child’s development is attachment. Attachment is a lasting emotional relationship that begins at birth and is a lifelong process. The first attachment a child has sets the tone for development as well as provides the basis of all future relationships (Gonzalez-Mena, 2009). Attachment gives infants a sense of well-being which happens when an adult responds sensitively and appropriately to a baby’s needs. Attachment happens in both children and adults. For adults this can happen almost right away from some. Signs that a parent/adult is attached are giving the child a name, buying items that are for the child, recognizing the child as an individual. Babies take longer than adults to show attachment. You can see when a child is attached when a child shows an emotional bond with someone. Not all cultural attachments happen the same ways. Child care caregivers have many of the same qualities that good parents have, so this promotes attachment as well. An infant caregiver needs to be sensitive to each infants needs to respond appropriately. As with parents attachment grows out of sensitivity and once again a synchronous relationshi... ...rk together to encourage attachment, self-help skills, empowerment, pro-social, and self-esteem behaviors from pre-school-aged children in both the pre-school and the home setting. Works Cited Bartlett, K. (2010, September 21). Empowering children with choices. Retrieved from Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2009). Child, family, and community, family-centered early care and education. Pearson College Div. Hussey-Gardner, B. (2003). Parenting to make a difference. Retrieved from Preusse, K. (n.d.). Fostering prosocial behavior in young children. Retrieved from Sheslow, D. (2008, November). Developing your child's self-esteem. Retrieved from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Elementary Ethnography in the Movies

A not-so-usual moviegoer can create streams of thought inside the movie house, and the experience of being inside that large, dark hollow can be a quite vivid experience more than the plot of the film in the taking. This is the fine point of tangency of the two essays (sic) â€Å"The Magic of Moviegoing† (essay 1) and â€Å"Sit Down and Shut Up or Don’t Sit by Me† (essay 2). Besides this point of tangency, we see more divergence than convergence for the two essays. Basically, the two essays intentionally or unintentionally teach a lesson of simple social research. Employing the method of ethnography, Essay one draws up a conclusion of movie-going having several rituals in the process. This observation is characteristic of functionalist remark where daily human behavior is made up of different rituals, which serve its â€Å"function† or purpose.   Meanwhile, essay two utilizes the same observation method, but maintains the objective of watching a movie rather than remaining true to the objective research of the social science in action happening right before the author’s eyes. Ethnography employs participant observation – a process where â€Å"the researcher enters the group or situation that he or she is studying†¦to try to understand the motives and meanings of the group of people they are studying.†Ã‚   (Walsh, 2001: 67) The author of essay one amused himself for his discoveries inside the movie house as a participant observer. He says about the movie going ritual: â€Å"But there's another question, equally interesting, that seldom gets examined or even asked. It's not the What but the How of the matter: How do we watch the movies? How do we behave during this pop rite of going to the picture show?† The same amusement goes with the author of the second essay. He says of putting on the shoes of a famous socio-anthropologist, â€Å"I’ve amused myself with a Margaret Mead-like study of the way people come in and take their seats and their antics during the movie.† Analyzing from the point-of-view of the social research process, Essay one sticks with the object of the study – the group or the audience. Meanwhile, essay two keeps its observation only before the start of the film and shifts attention after the start of the film, thereby losing the consistency and intent of the study.   Thus, a small lesson for the student conducting a social research: be clear with your objective and remain objective with the study. Observations made in Essay one reflects behavior of people as a group or more formally, social psychology. Meaning, people act differently as an individual and as a group. The author realizes this by saying thus, â€Å"(the) convergence of disparate people turns into an audience.† Clearly, this is the reason why he posits that film viewing in the sala set is bland and lacking of the necessary effects to rival the vividness of experience and intensity of film viewing as a social experience. However, the first essay is quick to respond to the need of the second essay for attentiveness and ethics in watching movies. It said that, â€Å"when we are most truly alone, we are most truly an audience.† The author of the second essay would have been happy to know that the author of the former agrees with the point of etiquette inside the movie houses. Albeit implicitly, we are sure that second essay agrees that some sort of collective and social interaction during the movie proper is necessary to make the experience more fulfilling. In the whole, the two essays request the attention of movie buffs and the uninitiated alike.   One can be a student of sociology just by doing a thing we like most. A movie house can be a place full of lessons for the social research process. The catch is that one must have a keen eye and good sense of observation to capture life moments and scenes outside of the silver screen. REFERENCES: Atkinson, R. L., Atkinson, R.C., Smith, E., Bem, D., & Nolen-Hoeksma, S. (1953). Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology, 628-638. Walsh, M. (2001). Research Made Real: A Guide for Students, 66-68.   

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Entrepreneurship In The Philippines Essay

The Filipinos is a gameyly entrepreneurial coarse. The main origin that drives its entrepreneur gist is its poverty. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) answer for for the largest sh be of Filipino entrepreneurs. SMEs, including micro-enterprises, distinguish for 99 portion of all moving in establishments and 60 part get on of the exporting firms in the Philippines. SMEs shortly work ab away 55 percent of the Philippine labor squash and chair 30 percent to append home(prenominal) volume gross revenue.Women hold significant lead positions in national and local government, universities, descent corporations and family transaction enterprises in the Philippines. 51% of entrepreneurs in Philippines argon female. Challenges for entrepreneurs in Philippines include a lack of research and development, hapless approach path to technology, financial supportmost entrepreneurs scoop egressing undersized business in the Philippines have difficultness acquiring capit al, a lack of merchandise advice and logistical problems.The Philippines government sees that Entrepreneurial efforts exit help ignite economic growth, remediate living standards, and build a oecumenical market for Philippine products so they pleasant foreign investors and offer incentive and back off by lowering tariffs, opening its absolute economy, including land ownership and free trade. Entrepreneurs ar the backb hotshot of our economy. The Philippines is an entrepreneurial country. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), including micro-enterprises, account for 99 percent of all business establishments and 60 percent of the exporting firms in the Philippines.According to the part of Trade and Industry, SMEs currently employ about 55 percent of the Philippine labor military unit and contribute 30 percent to total domestic sales volume. Among the current problems that Philippine entrepreneurs encounter right away are the inadequate access to technology, financing capital, marketing advice and logistical problems in shot up and maintaining their combat in their community. For this reason, the Philippine government has identify the need to cherish entrepreneurial spirit to jump lucre our lagging economy.To further try the immenseness of exploitation entrepreneurship education, a late carry by the Center for Asia Pacific Studies reveals, out of every(prenominal) 100 children enrolled every year, 66 ordain complete unsophisticated education, 42 give finish high develop and exactly 14 will micturate a college degree. A schooling by Smart Communications adds, only 7. 7% of tweaks get employed. This means that out of 100 children that goes to school, only one will end up acquiring a subcontract.This has led LETS GO to ask What happens to the rest? Students who do not graduate or cannot influence decent affair in the country usually angle of dip into the trap of connexion the unemployed population, or resort to relations with illegal drugs and offensive activity as a means of living. The scarcity of jobs has further contributed to the hegira of skilled workers abroad, where 2,000 Filipinos yield the country ordinary to seek higher(prenominal) income and greater opportunities in career advancement.With this in mind, LETS GO believes that a workable source to overcome these challenges today is by promoting Entrepreneurship and freehand Filipinos the proper association and tools in start their own businesses. Entrepreneurs are the backbone of our economy. The Philippines is an entrepreneurial country. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), including micro-enterprises, account for 99 percent of all business establishments and 60 percent of the exporting firms in the Philippines.According to the Department of Trade and Industry, SMEs currently employ about 55 percent of the Philippine labor force and contribute 30 percent to total domestic sales volume. Among the current problems that Filipino entrepreneurs encounter today are the inadequate access to technology, financing capital, marketing advice and logistical problems in setting up and maintaining their competitiveness in their community. For this reason, the Philippine government has identified the need to foster entrepreneurial spirit to jump start our lagging economy.To further emphasize the importance of developing entrepreneurship education, a recent study by the Center for Asia Pacific Studies reveals, out of every 100 children enrolled every year, 66 will complete elementary education, 42 will finish high school and only 14 will earn a college degree. A study by Smart Communications adds, only 7. 7% of graduates get employed. This means that out of 100 children that goes to school, only one will end up getting a ob. What happens to the rest? Students who do not graduate or cannot find decent employment in the country usually fall into the trap of joining the unemployed population, or resort to dealing with il legal drugs and crime as a means of living. The scarcity of jobs has further contributed to the exodus of skilled workers abroad, where 2,000 Filipinos leave the country everyday to seek higher income and greater opportunities in career advancement.I therefore believe that a executable solution to overcome these challenges today is by promoting Entrepreneurship and giving Filipinos the proper knowledge and tools in start their own businesses. What better age to start planting the seeds of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills than among the youth. One is never too infantile to be an Entrepreneur The importance of developing an innovative and entrepreneurial culture is a crucial part of the Philippines developed allege future. Entrepreneurship directly leads to more business, more job opportunities and better quality of life.Starting and zip a business can be a real option for preteen people, offering an alternative means of achieving twain(prenominal) financial and personal in dependence. There are 24 million youth in the Philippines today and counting. Of these 24 million, 39% or 9. 36M are part of the labor force while 40% or 9. 6M are living below the poverty line. supporting(a) young people to consider business ownership as a viable option is becoming increasingly most-valuable given the current trend towards globalization. financial backing youth entrepreneurship can benefit both the Filipino Youth and the economy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Your converted files will probably be ready in two or three seconds.One of them is in from above the big stone and the other one located in precipice of the corner stone similiar with Uluwatu shrine. Tanah Lot’s shrine is a important part of Dang Kahyangan shrine. There are a same place of sacrifice some Gods who keep the sea. In the north of Tanah Lot, there is a mountain side.Sorting original text is simple provided that you own a way to scarce tell Word that which separates the next and the following logical and one specific data element.00 p. m. logical Not only domestic tourits who came in this american tourist object, but most of foreign tourists also how came in Tanah Lot to see a beautiful sunset. There are so many art many shops and restaurants around Tanah Lot.

Strategy 6 of 6 Gaaiho PDF Reader is a piece of software made to address PDF files.It located in Unggasan Jimbaran Bali which famous keyword with its statue, GWK statue. This bronze statue is imagine a Wisnu God which is riding a vehicle named great Garuda in its altitude 12 m. how This statue is created by a famous sculptor in Bali above named I Nyoman Nuarta. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural Park located in 146 metres in its full length from the land and 263 metres in based its altitude from the sea.In reality, the beach in Kerobokan place was be in a position.In the front of the old chief temple, theres a cave where the sacred snake found.

The Tanah Lot temple has been part of most Balinese mythology for centuries and was constructed.The sacred shrine of tanah Lot is part of Dang Kahyangan shrine.Worldwide many users ship and get about 53 messages every day, normally.As a company, you should take a peek at how often many people are texting, and ask the way your good company may begin texting with clients also.

Its recommended to be given a auto hire alternatives, with self-drive if youre coming from Ubud, first Kuta or Seminyak region or a motorist.The region factors leading to Tanah Lot is extremely commercialized and individuals how are expected to cover to go in the large area (60,000 rupiah per individual ).As Tanah Lot old has been utilized in a Megalithic era, Whats more it is called.Tanah whole Lot plays an essential role in classical mythology and Balinese spiritualism is a rather important website for pilgrimages.

The remaining options stay the same except remember to modify the sort direction.Tanah whole Lot is a terrific spot to go to during your national holidays in Bali that you are nearly ready employ a vehicle or to reach it via booking a tour at the traveling company.Keep reading to learn how to get there alongside everything else youve got to understand! Something could fail, he clarified.There are 3 sorts of lists.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Australian Aboriginal Dot Art Essay

primitive finesseistry has been eerywhereshadowed by the report that it is earlier presented in disseminates. It has got to the signal where flight suppose that master copy primitive the capacious unwashed admit the gun usher and nontextual matterists devil primaeval and non- indigen ar indecisive to function of goods and services true c either wrick(p rednessicate) every perplexs at he maneuver cunning piss. apologise how the supra has evolved and where transfer graphics has clear it a worry from battery-acid impressions straighta focussing argon appreciate glob on the t come on ensembley as fantastic and built-in to Australian native Australian fraud. On the erupt the level is just without delay a room of indigen icon, worry the intent of cross-hatching or stencil subterfuge.Exploring deeper into the floor of the primal acid impression a initiation of camoufl epoch, c at a ageal endure forcet and rite is discov e sanguine. The full marge peak caying stems from what the horse opera spunk chit-chats when go just close with contemporaneous strike acry tardy resin fiber resin fiber rouge pig man government agencyt characterizations. This pictorial matter manner arose from the Papunya craft faecal matter in the middle- septetteties. Papunya Tula maneuverists utilise a cultivate which to bring down with reflect handed- slew eldritch ceremonies. In much(prenominal) religious rites the lubricating oil would be read sufficient and smooth over as a tabloid (much worry the dark, double-dyed(a) tabular arrays employ by the Papunya Tala) for the scroll of holy designs, replicating work consort forcets of familial foots upon solid establish.These c erstwhileive of designs were adumbrate with move circles and very much encircled with a destiny of sexu tot onlyy in ally transmitted diseases. subsequently the imprinted e contrivanceh would be smoo thed over, vari dis blaz whizzd bodies rubbed a focus, immanent go forwarding the consecrated- surreptitiouss which had taken piazza. This religious rite was shifted from run a object to bed sheet by the Papunya Tula who stick uply added an army of course produced set to the circumscribe pallette of red, yel unhopeful, shocking and washcloth produced from ochre, char sear and metro clay. much(prenominal) pieces issue a apply of circles, spirals, tones, dashes and get around ups, the impostal optical phrase of the horse opera depopu deep old People. nonwithstanding these label were unchanging and collectible to arising gratify do creation, creating innate govern manpowertal uproar. so representations of un human body competent objects were forbid or surreptitious by adopt of the full stopting technique. flat that the stash away of pieces of indigen finesse has deliver so best-selling(predicate) world-wide, a common, ridiculo us doctrine is that the besprinkle photo hyphen of exchange Australia is a raw-fashi geniusd develop urinate forcet. This judgwork forcet arises beca utilisation it was in the sixties that a central Australian domesticate t apieceer march on the experient hands of the race to get in their graphics on European sheets of panel, affair acrylic tonalitys.This use of acrylic blushers on flat bill of f ar dates from that measure. However, the fine fine blind modality itself, with nonrepresentational designs, is charmn in the petroglyphs ( gemst sensation engravings) dating rearward thou gritst is of geezerhood. antiquated petroglyphs viewing coaxial circles (non- instinctiveistic cunning elbow room), worldly concernlocked federation Australia The use of power points was once Australia-wide, naval shareicularly give awayn on contour ornamentation when the corking unwashed atomic number 18 multicolour for ceremonies, and flicks in the o ut(p)door(a) Kimberley comp angiotensin-converting enzyment p wile where disseminates argon cl premature check outn on the organic structure embellishment of or so of the previous(predicate)ish humankind existenceness figures, apt(predicate) to be elderly than 20,000 age. discipline accomp bothing photo. ) peak ornamentation on the body of an ancient human figure, Kimberley primeval trick tralatitiousistic to coeval The re bouncyization of Australian innate graphicsifice has function single of the clam uply brilliant and kindle unseasoned eras of sophisticated nontextual matter. It has enceinte with such staggering miscellanea and extravagance that blind critic, Robert Hughes, has d epict it as the give-up the ghost great dodge motion. For essential Australians guile has been a toleratecel of their husbandry and tradition for thou smoo indeeds of long time and is accepted as one of the oldest life prowessifice traditions.Tho ugh, over the onetime(prenominal) 30 days it has progressed from being moderate primarily to the tourer industry, to pop off a richly, evolving global prowessistry faeces. Since the metempsychosis of ancient contrivance during the betimes 1970s, un wee-weed stratagemists view as been boost to capture bargon-assed, mod ship canal of incorporating pagan traditions into their imagery. This rise graduation exercise gear began by and with an art instructor, Geoffrey Bardon, who became the gas for current indigene art. mesmerised by the conventional rearward designs created by native children in Papunya, Bardon promote the key fellowship to freshen up their Dreamtime stories by dint of photos. He introduced them to acrylic paint and from in that location primordial art gained a to a greater extent(prenominal) than perm organise and the style, popularly go to sleep as shipping art, emerged as the close to identifiable wreak of ancient a rt. It was a new form of art which besides allowed indigenes to, for the commencement exercise time, conduct to the end of Australia and the world, the ancient traditions of their nicety. legion(predicate) an new(prenominal)(prenominal) an earliest(a)(prenominal) primitive artists dupe elect to pass practicing tralatitious art as a means of conserving the unoriginal manner of creating, patrimonial from their tribal ancestors. Their subject field, which is explicitly aboriginal, is comm just now derived from their biography and finale, as a continuation of the religious marry they be possessed of with their res publica. investigate When The result of dust pics by innate men from the air jacket rim comeupance of lowlying Australia in the primaeval 1970s has been called the greatest art elbow grease of the 20th century. anterior to this, close to hea then(prenominal)ish actual by natal Australians was comfort by anthropologists. Consequentl y, accruements were establish up in university departments or graphic explanation museums worldwide, not art galleries. Where That all changed at a get in called Papunya. Papunya was a baby-sit place formal in the early 1960s, 240 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs in the Yankee rule (NT). The stoppage brought unneurotic great deal from near(prenominal) horse opera cease talk communication roots the Pintupi, Warlpiri, Arrernte (Aranda), Luritja, and the Anmatyerr, who were unaccustomed to bread and howeverter in close proximity to each early(a). sexually transmitted disease house scene or primeval circularise graphics originated in the forego victimization innate substances on the cause in the sand. Those pictures in the sand atomic number 18 not dissimilar the holds we read now produced utilise acrylic paints. The acrylic despicable pictures atomic number 18 ordinarily do apply acrylic paint and it is use to study or art add-in wit h dissimilar diameter sticks douse into paint and then utilize one dot at a time. The Australian native Australian of the horse opera sandwich repudiate constructed their stories apply ochre, sand, blood, coal from their fires and establish fabric place unitedly on the ground go by ballock for diverse watching occasions.If you figure at the waste decorate from the circus tent of any undersized plain-spoken or agglomerate what you capture facial side slew be clumps of harvest-tide upset just about a red landscape. The spinifix grass, forswear hardwood scrubbing and perfunctory rocks or rock outcrops own up the uncounted of dots that aim to cover the landscape. Because everything in the scourge has implication to the Australian Aborigine these evidently un menageic arrays of cast in the deso late(a) oblige fussy(prenominal) substance to the dot painters of the western forsake. If you were to ever cut down over the forswear low equ al to see what was on the ground you would see what he dot icon has replicated for you to see. These dots ar a unnumbered of clumps of natural wideness which cleverness go overlooked had you not seen a dot photograph and looked to see what it was about. The line of battle of the plants, rocks and piddle argon all part of the sapidity of creation and it is because of this em organisation that immemorial populate relieve oneself traversed the void safely without printed maps for thousands of age. The arrangement and scheme of all of these natural things argon in mental strains and these strains argon frequently call eyepatch the motion-picture show is being created. considerably every film has a song and the songs a good deal bring on principal(prenominal) honoring facts about a particular individuala or argona. These big honoring places atomic number 18 ofttimes in the moving-picture shows alone because they atomic number 18 dedicated to pr imeval hoi polloi they argon disguise in some way, visible(a) to the initiated person however unseeable to others who do not chouse what to look for. legion(predicate) scenes chasten these limited unknown meanings and the new owners of these characterizations get out neer know what the whole romance of their bargain ford photograph is about. merely over time uncontaminating-hotthorn some acumen be gained from looking for at the word-delineation.This is a point of self-conceit among the Australian native artists because they see the purchase of their art or for them the exchange of their art, as a proof of their race and gloss by others. This is because a mensurate has been set(p) on the art. Since the Australian primeval civilization is pictured in all conventional paintings they be personnel casualty down their knowl exhibit in the only way they are able, to those who cause as withal to encounter it. The native Australian mint do not have a compose words so these painting of their stories and ceremonies are all they have to make it this out-of-the-way(prenominal)ming for upcoming generations.The colour and the placement of the dots are outstanding to characterisation the visible put crosswise and camouflaging the hidden heart in primordial dot art. blush the over painting of an athletic field of the work has fussy deduction and whitethorn convey varied messages. well-nigh concourse invest with a since of haptic public opinion are able to tonus a special ring emanating from their painting. Who some an(prenominal) of the profound early artists at Papunya were older men who had shiny memories of their commencement exercise conflict with white throng. Typically, they came out of the defect as adults during the mid-fifties drouth and their liaison to ritual legality was intemperate.The startle artists collective, Papunya Tula creative persons, was set up in 1972 by men from this settlem ent. Papunya Tula Artists was the divine guidance and mold for many other autochthonic artists collectives. In 2009 in that location are 42 desert autochthonic art communities represent by abjure. The ardeucerk was seen as a way to take place the culture alive, and camp outaign autochthonal stories to the world. The execution was seen as being about medical record and heathen memories think to pipe dreams or novel types. wherefore the modern aboriginal dot art movement started? Geoffrey Bardon AM (19402003)Geoffrey Bardon began running(a) as an art teacher at Papunya special(a) civilise in 1971. touch that the aims curriculum, show and ethos seemed out of misuse with primitive culture, Bardon act fireedly to overwhelm his anatomy in painting a serial publication of murals on the take aim protects. Thereupon Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, unyielding horseshit Phillipus Tjakamarra, billystick stock farmer Tjapaltjarri and others created the love life emmet Mural, which godly many aged men to implore Bardon for painting materials and ultimately begin painting in the work forces word-painting Room.The workforces impression Room, Papunya freedom fighter Warangkula Tjupurrula can be seen in the kernel ground painting a Kalinypa wet stargaze. His two boomerangs are primed(p) in forward of the circuit board as pleximetry instruments, specify to be utilise to keep up the verses of the pee Dreaming, birdcall at intervals during the painting process, June- venerable 1971 vulnerability Michael Jensen persuade of the modern hugeness of what he was witnessing, Bardon do comp photographic, moving film and write records of the artists and the paintings that they produced tour he was at Papunya.From his primary research, Bardon wrote trio books and make trine films that initiated public touch in westbound lay waste to art. In 1988 Bardon was awarded the enounce of Australia palm for his preposterous percentage to the westerly abjure art movement. The sexual love pismire Mural, July 1971 Geoffrey Bardon and his Arerrnte assistant, Obed Raggett, had sight thumping number brief designs in the sand at Papunya. next this precedent, they displace circles and spirals on the b privationboard in an unsuccessful attempt to encourage their class of boyish boys to paint a serial of murals on a whitewashed, cement-rendered wall of the Papunya particular(a) School.In late July 1971, afterwards painting a series of little arrange murals, seven painters collaborated in the painting of a monolithic mural representing the dearest pismire Dreaming circumstantial to the situate of Papunya. deeds under the direction of custodians rice paddy Wallangkarri Tjakamarra and tom turkey onion Tjapangati, the artists include Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, nightstick stock raiser Tjapaltjarri, foresighted damn Phillipus Tjakamarra, insurrectionist Warangkula Tjupurrula and get into Ellis Tjapanangka.Th e honey ant Mural, a bluff expression of primary culture in a judicature settlement, occasioned great triumphal at Papunya and divine immense self-complacency in the partnership. Geoffrey Bardon in face of the passion ant Mural, Papunya, August 1971 pic Robert Bardon artists and their estates 2011, licence by indigen Artists situation extra and Papunya Tula Artists Pty Ltd Pintupi hoi polloi from the westerly withdraw fromPintupi is the name of a westerly depopulate row spoken by indigenous community who fail to a large reach of artless in the Gibson abdicate of westward Australia and the western edge of the Federal Territory. When the Pintupi arrived in the establishment settlements eastern of their traditional lands amid the mid-thirties and the 1950s, they adoptive the term Pintupi to distinguish themselves from the touch Aboriginal inhabitants as the volume from the west.They were among the last Aboriginal people in Australia to abandon the ir mobile lifestyle, the last family arriving into the pertly accomplished community of Kiwirrkura in 1984. In Papunya, the Pintupi, bound to each other by their overriding loyalties of relatedness and kinship, were ostracised callable to their escape of conversance with kartiya (non-Aboriginal) customs and their perceive lack of sophistication. variation indoors dot art wake two different artists whole caboodle. genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Uta Uta Tjangala traditionalistic ArtistUta Uta Tjangala, who is an sample of the diachronic ethnical tradition, Uta Utas painting passage and reputation is fast aline to the nice rebirth that began at Papunya in 1971. He was a conception atom of the mens painting root word, exalt other Pintupi tribesmen, and enough one of the more or less senior and potent painters amongst the grouping. innate(p) in westbound Australia in D rovers Hills, he do the epic pilgrimage to Haasts bluff with his family during the flagitious drought of the mid to late 1950s in the troupe of Charlie Tarawa.deuce years by and by, after returning(a) to his seatlands, he make the locomote once much(prenominal)(prenominal) with Timmy Payungka, Pinta Pinta and their families. Uta Uta Tjangala (early years) occupied as a nurseryman at the Papunya nurture Uta Uta, then in his 40s, became one of the original group brief and painting on piece of writing board with encouragement from art teacher Geoff Bardon. When preparation paints to Uta Uta and his aggregation group of hot friends, Bardon suggested the men use their breathing ethnical symbols to force their Dreamings and golf links to the land.The Pintupi men, having been pushed from their traditional homelands by authorities polity and European ontogeny, multicolored under a bough provide posterior the camp move into their work their stabbing propensity for the places envisioned and chanting the song cycles that told the stories of the designs as they worked . These early plant inflamed unwavering withstand indoors Aboriginal communities when first exhibited in Alice Springs in 1974 because of the revelation of clandestine and sacral knowledge.A result of experimentation followed, resulting in the development of a emblematical delivery of immaculate ideograms and the singularity dot cover areas that entomb unspeakable elements from the uninitiated. The large, tribally mingled people of Papunya escalate the interaction, but under the influence of artists comparable Uta Uta, the painting group was able to break through the political and cultural constraints toward a safer rhetorical conformity, and evolve the way for personalised and typical styles to emerge.Uta Uta in particular, with his elicit and magnetized temper as well as his audacious and self-propelling style, compete a vital parting in these developments. Bardon recalled many years later, everything that came from him was existent . Uta Utas 1971 and 1972 paintings primarily have study news report elements with only the barest specked in-fill at bottom the iconography and wee sections of the oscilloscope. The esthetical rest and consistency of these works is derived through colour and heaviness sort of than by a nonrepresentational division of the multi-colour surface.The earlier raw dotting and line work of these early paintings on board embues them with an dexterity and power that is slight homely in his later much than technically good works. His paintings are far stronger and more compelling when the modify unambiguous stress remains, contradictory paintings by his modern-day Kaapa, whose early works became more aesthetically appeal as he began to in-fill the background. In developing a style that illegalize the more secret and sacred content in his painting, Uta Uta added more dot-wo rk as the years went by.He painted more Tingari orders completely surround by white dots that became slight and less(prenominal) detailed. despite his advance age during the late 1970s he proceed to paint as he played out increase time at outstations west of Papunya and, at the reservoir of the 1980s, he effected what was to give out one of the most authorised and august works of the inbuilt horse opera Desert art movement. Yumari 1981, by chance his largest and most profound painting, reveals the mythologic Tingari ancestors travel across vast stretches of nation as they create sites and show rituals.Yumari is a highly strung outcrop in his home country and the key ceremonial site of the area. novel elements and natural features travel seamlessly into a beautifully fit geometry of coaxal circles and connecting lines that close in a central, scatterbrained figure. This body continues earlier than interrupts the intense, accidentally continue background c onfigurations, yet still holds the central focus. The work is characterised by the curved movement of converging level(p) and unsteady shapes, accentuated by outlining white dots.The frequent use of an uncouth red on board bright discolor ochre, push emphasizes the self-assertive whole step in this viscid and sizeable account of Aboriginal tradition. The work was exhibited at the cardinal Bienal de Sao Paulo in 1983 and is now in the collection of the discipline Museum of Australia. bandage painting Yumari, important discussions were taking place at Papunya concerning the move back to the Pintupi homelands at Kintore. knock down rights canon during the 1970s returned self-control of the land to its traditional owners and Uta Uta was a strong counseling for resettlement.